5 days left!

Well, I managed to set up a blog before leaving the country- it’s a miracle! I can’t believe I leave in 5 days! The last several weeks have been nothing by packing, packing, packing! Not only for the trip, but also prepping my place for the two fantastic friends who will be staying here for July and August. While it has been stressful at times, I’ve found it has forced me to purge unnecessary “stuff” in my house. Very symbolic since I’m hoping this whole adventure will help me purge of some of the mental baggage I’ve acquired over the past several months.

9 thoughts on “5 days left!

  1. Anthony Eadie, Jr. says:

    Sorry I didn’t make it to the bon voyage dinner, but I know you’re a seasoned traveller and know hoe to navigate, luck is not needed. I wish you the very best success in this venture and I pray that God protects you and provides you with travelling grace! Love you always my sneaker buddy!!!


  2. christina rodriguez says:

    Can’t wait to see you in BALI. Woot.

  3. Melissa says:

    So happy for you, safe travels, and I love that you are doing a blog! 🙂

  4. Wynndell Bishop says:

    Congrats Mooster! Have fun and be safe out there!

  5. Christie Guevara says:

    Moo, I’m so proud of you!!! All the best for a safe and fabulous trip…can’t wait to follow your travels! Maybe one day you’ll take a little trip to planet L.A. 🙂 Love ya!! XOXO

  6. KP says:

    Can’t wait to keep up on the adventures in a new format!

  7. Brendan Kent says:

    Awesome! Can’t wait to hear all about this.

  8. Shannon says:

    Yay for unloading mental baggage, especially since much of it was someone ELSE’s baggage stuck on you without your asking or deserving it. Have a lovely trip Ms. Moo- can’t wait to read about it…

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